ETS-Experience report: Conclusion
Meanwhile, the everyday life for me has started again and the advantages of dry hands are not overlooked.Every day I experience that many situations where I was earlier severely restricted due to wet hands and the fear of sweating and inhibited, now no problem for me. According to Dr. Tarfusser changed fundamentally for many people life after surgery and I can understand that. Although I've always tried not to hide myself, despite my handicap, but I have dry hands when dealing with people and in many activities of daily living given a large piece of more self-confidence. Many fears, inhibitions and stress factors for me are gone overnight.
In short:
The ETS has provided me with a small and calculable risk of inestimable value. It is hoped that this will remain forever, or at least very long and will adjust to any unwanted, not yet foreseeable negative long term effects.
22 April 1997