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advisory manual against pathological sweating

Guide Hyperhidrosis and Bromhidrosis

Help, I'm sweating!
Help, I'm sweating!

Sound information about sweating should be the first priority in the therapy process. Before you get lost in the maze of medicine with your sweating problem, are misadvised and lose precious time, you should get a head start in knowledge with this guide. Written for sufferers and from the perspective of sufferers, it gives you a head start on the treatment path to take targeted and effective action against this still taboo symptom.

what readers are writing about this guide:

...first of all I would like to congratulate you on your book. For the first time I have the impression that someone seriously understands hyperhidrosis as a disease and does not dismiss it as a completely normal thing. It is quite phenomenal how forcefully you have dealt with this disease....

...the book is very informative and when you start reading, you actually do not want to put it aside !!! Congratulations on the book! I am also thrilled about the prompt delivery. Hardly ordered, it is already here on my desk! Really great class!... is a great help to me that this page exists, I have never talked about it so openly with anyone, it was good. I hope that someone who reads this will find the courage to do something about it. there are a thousand ways to fight this disease, you just have to find the right one for yourself, because not for everyone the same is the right solution...

...Hey everyone I came across the page and am glad that I'm not alone...all the tips are really great!...


...much praise for this page! I'm also stuck for about 4 years in a (probably) somatically caused sweating devil's circle. Especially in stuffy, cramped, hot rooms with many (especially strangers) people the physical expression of such down on the mind (anxiety, even stronger sweating, partial shortness of breath), that I already got several times "the crisis" and had to flee ...